
Coffee and tea are quickly becoming one of the largest exports of many countries around the world as coffee and tea drinkers quickly spend over $20 billion annually for their daily cup of caffeine. Twenty billion is nothing to be scoffed at these days.

We often hear the dangers of drinking caffeine such as insomnia, headaches, and raised blood pressure (which is not good if you have hypertension). But are there any benefits to drinking coffee$%:

Here are some interesting facts about the average coffee drinker who drinks three to four cups of coffee each day:

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  • Regular coffee drinkers have about 1/3 less asthma symptoms than those of non-coffee drinkers according to a Harvard researcher who studied 20,000 people.

  • A Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program study of 128,934 nurses found that coffee drinkers were significantly less likely to commit suicide than nondrinkers.

  • Average coffee drinkers can have three or four cups of coffee every day without any health risk.

  • One study found that coffee drinkers have poorer health habits than those who drank no coffee.

  • Some heavy alcohol drinkers who also drink coffee regularly have less incidence of liver damage than expected.

  • Another study found that people who drank three to four cups of each day had an 80% lower risk of cirrhosis of the liver and a 25% less chance of contracting colon cancer when compared to drinking no coffee at all.

  • Coffee can cause insomnia, and a common complaint among coffee drinkers is that the caffeine disturbs their sleep.

  • Another study found that non coffee drinkers are five times more likely to develop Parkinson's disease than coffee drinkers and those who drank three to four cups of coffer per day

These are some very interesting facts about the average coffee drinker who drinks three to four cups a day. They have a lower incidence of some problems such as colon cancer and Parkinson's, while at the same time they have poorer health habits.

The poorer health habits probably stem from grabbing a cup of coffee in the morning as they head out the door rather than sitting and eating a healthy breakfast. Then for lunch, in the middle of a busy day, they might grab another cup of coffee.

Another characteristic is the coffee drinker who has to have something sweet with their coffee. Instead of having an apple or banana for an afternoon coffee break, they have a cup of coffee with a donut. That sounds delicious, but it is not healthy.

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Another poor habit is the coffee drinker who drinks to stay awake after being up till late the night before. Getting very little sleep might not seem unhealthy, but it tears down your body's defenses and leaves you in a weakened condition for an assortment of diseases.

Many coffee drinkers also neglect to drink an adequate amount of water each day. In between coffee cups be sure to get in your eight eight-ounce glasses of water that your body needs each day.

According to these studies, coffee drinkers apparently get some . They would get even more benefit if they coupled that with healthy habits such as exercising, eating right, drinking plenty of water, and getting a good sleep.

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